Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Food allergies or sensitivities can be the number one underlying cause of poor health in most people. Imagine if you eat the same thing day after day and you suffer from chronic health conditions: chronic headaches, joint pain, muscle pain, sinus congestion, eczema, anxiety, depression or debilitating fatigue. You are likely suffering from a sensitivity or allergy to the foods you are eating.
What are IgG and IgE Antibodies?
IgG antibodies are associated with “delayed” reactions - symptoms can appear hours or days after eating certain foods. IgE antibodies are immediate reactions - difficulty breathing, rash, headaches, anaphylactic response. Testing for both the IgG and IgE antibodies can give us a complete picture of what your body is doing on a physiological level and how much inflammation is being produced by what you are eating. IgG reactions are the most common form of immunologically mediated food intolerances.

How can we help?
Provide a personalized lifestyle plan through utilizing Functional Medicine and other diagnostic tools like allergy testing or BIA (link to page) when needed to suit your needs. This plan may include: foods to avoid and include, caloric needs to maintain, lose or gain weight and individualized nutritional support to solidify the lifestyle and diet changes
Target specific concerns such as high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and weight loss
Provide reliable, objective information
Translate the latest scientific findings into information that is easy to understand and use
“An exclusion diet based on food-specific serum IgG4 antibody testing may provide a useful adjunct in IBS patients, and testing may provide an objective and quick method for selecting an exclusion diet for treating such patients.” Scand J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jul; 40 (7): 8007
The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 “diseases” that can be caused by eating gluten. N England J of Med. 2002 Jan. 17: 346 (3): 108-8
“The modern calorie-dense, nutrient-poor diet of processed foods, especially when combined with a sedentary lifestyle and abdominal obesity, produces exaggerated post-prandial (after eating) increase in glucose and lipids, which leads to inflammation and atherosclerosis.” J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008; 51:249-55